Created by Piotr Podsiadly
We set industry standards others should follow!
Stephen Fry explains cloud computing
Design your apps so that they COULD run in the cloud.
We have existing deal with other hardware vendor and NO ONE can provide same services.
Other vendors can provide other services.
Reduce the cost of changing vendor
Accept existence of the Internet.
Integration based on HTTP WS, but working only when physical servers are in the same room. Loosely coupled?
SpagUtil.findFlightNumbers(query) ->
SpagUtil.flightDetails(number) ->
n+1 anti-pattern, MOS read timeouts, throttling
Web service should serve its purpose over the Web.
Minimize RTT since it can be on the other side of the world
Internet based infrastructure supports moving pieces between cloud vendors.
One day your application may need to be moved somewhere else
Best practices come with aid - follow standards.
Decouple anything nonstandard: native/OS calls, JNI
Is there a hope for those who deny existence of the Internet?
Think outside the box.
Ask intern/new hire to implement it.
Modern browsers compete in performance.
Maybe 1 gigaFLOPS is enough for client side computing and rest can be done on server side.
Current megaFLOPS=
Forward-thinking modern web technology lets us leverage industry best practices and hosting platforms so that we can focus development on innovation and noticeable by customer differentiators.
For some it is mind blowing,
for others yet another day of work. reveal.js